Emily's Story

This is the story of our baby, Emily, and how she is coping with Failure-To-Thrive issues.


My name is Fran, and I am a Mom and homeschooler to three wonderful children. I enjoy spending time with them and my loving husband and spoiled rotten Samoyed pup. I am also a post-graduate student working on Doctorate in Education. I am passionate about Early Intervention Services for special needs children. Early Intervention works!

Friday, June 23, 2006

Started Neocate JR and concerning news from the company

We started Neocate Jr yesterday (mixed with Neocate Infant). Emily only got 8oz of Jr, but she was like a baby on speed! I had to stop giving her the Jr to get her to take a nap, which she finally did late in the afternoon. Her tummy got very round and looked and sounded like a water balloon--all sloshy. But, other than that, she seemed to do okay yesterday.

Today, she is very fussy. She's had almost 8oz, and she is napping, and no hyper-babyness. Her diaper this morning was awful, and I'd like to call the whole thing off, but I don't really have much choice. So, we will continue. Her GI took her off Prevacid, so maybe that is the cause of the fussiness. I will call to see about putting her back on Prevacid or Axid if this continues. It will be wonderful if Jr works for her.

The Neocate manager emailed me about the other parents I told her about. She told me that no additional parents had called in with problems with the new Neocate Infant. I know for a fact this is not true. I posted to my Neocate group, and one of the other Moms called Nutricia again today. She had made a complaint in January about her son not tolerating the new stuff. The rep told her that her file and my file are now together. This is very, very concerning to me!


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