Emily's Story

This is the story of our baby, Emily, and how she is coping with Failure-To-Thrive issues.


My name is Fran, and I am a Mom and homeschooler to three wonderful children. I enjoy spending time with them and my loving husband and spoiled rotten Samoyed pup. I am also a post-graduate student working on Doctorate in Education. I am passionate about Early Intervention Services for special needs children. Early Intervention works!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Today's GI appointment

I think Emily's new GI is going to be great for her. I was very impressed with him. He asked lots of questions, going back to Emily's birth and going forward. He spent an hour with us, and it was obvious that he had read (and almost memorized) the records that our old pedi faxed over.

Emily remains a mystery. Her issues could still be an intolerance, allergy, or celiac. He ordered a a comprehensive panel of bloodwork for celiac, IgA, etc, and he wants me to call him in a week for the results. The lab was on the first floor of the office building, and his office was on the 7th. After we went to the lab and were waiting for Emily's turn, he walked in to order another test for her and to talk to me again! He was scouring her records for a specific test result that he wanted to see, and he wanted to ask me about it. Again I was impressed that he did this himself--other than our beloved pedi back home, no other doctor has been this personal.

He okayed the trial of Neocate Jr, but he wants me to hold off on the soy milk because of possible cross-reactions. If Jr doesn't work, he suggested Vivonex--I don't know much about it, so I'll have to look it up. After that, there just isn't anything else to try.

He told me he is a gastroenterology, not a nutritionist, so he is going to try to find the cause rather than treating symptoms through nutrition. He said if we need nutrition support, he will refer us to a nutritionist. He told me there are 2 classes of GI drs--those who focus almost completely on the nutritional aspects and then true GIs. He assured me he is a true GI.

My husband and I agree that the Lord brought us to MI for a greater purpose, and I think these two specialists (Allergist and GI) are proving that.


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