Emily's Story

This is the story of our baby, Emily, and how she is coping with Failure-To-Thrive issues.


My name is Fran, and I am a Mom and homeschooler to three wonderful children. I enjoy spending time with them and my loving husband and spoiled rotten Samoyed pup. I am also a post-graduate student working on Doctorate in Education. I am passionate about Early Intervention Services for special needs children. Early Intervention works!

Friday, June 30, 2006

She's lost weight again

Emily just got up from her nap. Diarrhea diaper and bleeding bottom again. I took her pants off and let her walk around in just her shirt and diaper. I noticed how thin her legs are right now! Even my husband --who is not a noticer--noticed. So, I weighed her. She's down a whole pound.

I was told yesterday that our health insurance is cancelled as of today because we did not submit the proper paperwork. I know for a fact that we did, so now it is in the hands of the insurance company to find it. If they can't find it and they reinstate us with a lapse of coverage, we will still be going a whole month without insurance.

These are the times that try a Mom's soul. My heart is just breaking.


Blogger Foxxy One said...

Hi, I'm "The.Foxx" from CAM & GDT. I just stopped by to wish you and your family well. You are all in my prayers. I hope they find something to help your little one soon.

2:05 PM  
Blogger Fran said...

Thank you both!

5:07 PM  

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