Emily's Story

This is the story of our baby, Emily, and how she is coping with Failure-To-Thrive issues.


My name is Fran, and I am a Mom and homeschooler to three wonderful children. I enjoy spending time with them and my loving husband and spoiled rotten Samoyed pup. I am also a post-graduate student working on Doctorate in Education. I am passionate about Early Intervention Services for special needs children. Early Intervention works!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

We're stopping the JR trial

Emily has had a rough few days. After church on Sunday, we noticed that she looked chubbier. By that night, she was pretty puffy. Her poor tummy was very big and tight. I think either she was given some food in the church nursery, or she scavenged something here. I did not see her get into anything at home. Since then, the diaper rash continues to be bad, and she is still having diarrhea. She is also still vomiting (but thankfully not much), coughing and gagging. The last two nights have been very hard--she's not sleeping well at all. It has been over 2 weeks since we started JR, so I'm stopping it to see if she improves.


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